Saturday, February 10, 2007

John McCain's Resolution

Senators McCain, Lieberman, Graham, Cornyn, Hutchison, Domenici, Thune, Hatch, and Roberts to introduce Iraq Resolution

(Stripped of the Whereas's which I find make the document unreadable)

Over 137,000 American military personnel are currently serving in Iraq, like thousands of others since March 2003, with the bravery and professionalism consistent with the finest traditions of the United States armed forces, and deserve the support of all Americans;

Past mistakes in U.S. strategy, combined with other difficulties, have led to a dire security situation in Iraq characterized by insurgent activity and sectarian violence;

A failed state in Iraq would present a threat to regional and world peace, and the long-term security interests of the United States are best served by an Iraq that can sustain, govern, and defend itself;

No amount of additional U.S. forces can effect this outcome unless the people and government of Iraq take difficult political steps toward reconciliation;

These steps must include the fulfillment of military, political, and economic commitments that the Prime Minister of Iraq has made to the United States of America and to the people of Iraq;

Iraqi political leaders must show visible progress toward meeting specific benchmarks, including:

(1) Deploying a significant number of new Iraqi security forces to partner with U.S. units in securing Baghdad;

(2) Assuming responsibility for security in all provinces in a timely manner;

(3) Disarming individual militias and ensuring security forces are accountable to the central government and loyal to the constitution of Iraq;

(4) Ensuring equitable distribution of government resources regardless of sect or ethnicity;

(5) Passing legislation to ensure that Iraq's oil resources benefit Sunni Arabs, Shia Arabs, Kurds, and other Iraqi citizens in an equitable manner, and implementing such legislation;

(6) Building an effective, independent judiciary that will uphold the rule of law and ensure equal protection under the law for all citizens of Iraq;

(7) Pursuing all those who engage in violence or threaten the security of the Iraqi population, regardless of sect or political affiliation;

(8) Passing and implementing new legislation that will reform the de-Ba'athification process;

(9) Conducting provincial elections;

(10) Ensuring a fair process for amending the constitution of Iraq;

(11) Expending promised funds to provide basic services and employment opportunities for all Iraqis, including a $10 billion fund for reconstruction, and ensuring that these funds reach Sunni areas, including Sunni neighborhoods in Baghdad and largely Sunni Anbar Province;

Leaders in the Administration and Congress have made it clear to the Iraqi leadership that America's commitment is not open-ended and that if the Iraqi government does not follow through on its promises, it will lose the support of the American people and the people of Iraq;

The moderate states of the Middle East have an interest in a successful conclusion to the war and Iraq and should increase their constructive assistance toward this end;

In the fall of 2006, leaders in the Administration and Congress, as well as recognized experts outside government, acknowledged that the situation in Iraq was deteriorating and required a change in strategy;

The Government of Iraq must make visible, concrete progress toward meeting the political, economic, and military benchmarks enumerated above.

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